Special Needs
Resources in Wisconsin

Miracle League - Appleton

Website: http://www.foxvalleymiracleleague.com
Email: MFoxValley@goodwillncw.org
Miracle League is an organized baseball league for kids with cognitive and/or physical disabilities. Two unique features of the league are that the player is paired with a volunteer buddy and the games are played on an accessible rubberized field. Register early for a spot on a team roster. Where: John Wollner Fox Cities Miracle League Field in Memorial Park in Appleton When: weeknight evenings

These resources are community resources and are not necessarily endorsed by Walking and Wheeling LLC.

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Walking and Wheeling

We provide mobility assistive technology and expert medical services to children who need mobility assistance in the State of Wisconsin.


Office: (920) 968-7528

Billing: (920) 968-7532


Fax: 1-866-878-1996


W4652 Glenn St.
Appleton, WI 54913


By appointment only
Monday - Friday 8:30 - 4:30


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