Wheelchairs and Adaptive Strollers
There are various style frames and bases for wheelchairs and strollers that are customized specific to your child’s positioning and mobility needs. Our team of Physical Therapists and Assistive Technology Professionals work together to configure the optimal fit and function for each child.
Adaptive Strollers
- Convaid
- Adaptive Star
- R82
Manual Wheelchairs
Ultralightweight pediatric manual wheelchairs are built with your growing child in mind. This frame allows for both seat depth and width adjustments to be made by our team of professionals. These chairs accept custom seating for improved posture and control for your child to be comfortable, yet mobile. The lightweight design makes it easier for your child to move around with greater independence. These wheelchairs can be equipped with transit, complying with WC19 transport safety standards. In addition, you and your child can customize the color of the frame, allowing your child to be part of the design team.
- Ki Mobility
- Ti Lite
- Sunrise Medical
Tilt and Recline Wheelchairs
- Convaid
- Ki Mobility
- Sunrise Medical