Equipment & Aids


Research shows that assisted standing helps children with improved bone growth, alignment, and muscle strength. Children who don’t have the ability to stand without assistance can use a specialty stander to provide opportunities that are otherwise not possible. There are several different styles of standers and manufacturers who provide various options to meet your child’s specific needs.

The examples highlighted below may fit into more than one category based on their capabilities. These categories include vertical, supine, mobile, sit to stand, and multi-positional. A multi-positional stander allows your child to move between two or more of these positions with a single device. There are several variations of what is available to meet your child’s needs.

Mobile and Vertical Standers

The pictured R82 vertical stander is just one option to provide support for children working on standing. This upright stander has various design features providing support from the trunk down to the feet, giving the child free mobility and accessibility from the chest up.

A mobile stander is similar to a vertical stander as described above, but gives your child the ability to self propel and explore the environment. A child with limited lower extremity strength and mobility, but who demonstrates adequate upper extremity use and cognitive safety awareness can be very successful with this style stander.

Using a vertical or mobile stander gives your child the ability to participate in standing activities with friends and family members in a way they were otherwise not able.


  • Rifton
  • R82
  • Theradapt
  • Kaye

Supine Stander

The supine stander allows children to stand on their own, and provides them with the ability to stand and interact with their environment on a new level. Your child is positioned in the stander lying down and then brought upright to a standing position. It provides posterior support and a secure strapping system to give your child the support needed to be safe successful in standing.


  • Rifton
  • R82
  • Theradapt

Sit to Stand Stander

The sit to stand stander is best utilized for a child who has an appropriate seated posture with or without supports, but may have difficulties with reduced range of motion in the hips and/or knees. This type of stander allows your child to go from a sitting position to standing while providing optimal support and positioning throughout their available range of motion.


  • EasyStand

Walking and Wheeling

We provide mobility assistive technology and expert medical services to children who need mobility assistance in the State of Wisconsin.


Office: (920) 968-7528

Billing: (920) 968-7532


Fax: 1-866-878-1996


W4652 Glenn St.
Appleton, WI 54913


By appointment only
Monday - Friday 8:30 - 4:30


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