Special Needs
Resources in Wisconsin

Ainsley's Angels in Madison

Phone: 757-575-1783
Contact Person: Briley Rossiter
Email: madison@ainsleysangels.org
Ainsley's Angels is a national non-profit whose mission is to promote inclusion by providing inclusive running opportunities for people with disabilities. They do this by pairing people with disabilities with runners who push them in local road races (including 5ks, 10ks, half and full marathons) using special racing chairs. Ainsley's Angels ultimately aims to provide community, involvement, and adrenaline to people with disabilities as well as build awareness of the special needs community through visibility, advocacy, and education. Their local group in Madison attends 1-3 runs per month. All the equipment is provided and participation is free for athlete riders.

These resources are community resources and are not necessarily endorsed by Walking and Wheeling LLC.

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Walking and Wheeling

We provide mobility assistive technology and expert medical services to children who need mobility assistance in the State of Wisconsin.


Office: (920) 968-7528

Billing: (920) 968-7532


Fax: 1-866-878-1996


W4652 Glenn St.
Appleton, WI 54913


By appointment only
Monday - Friday 8:30 - 4:30


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