Special Needs
Resources in Wisconsin

Comfort & Joy, Inc.

Phone: (608) 444-7682
Website: https://www.comfortandjoywi.org/
Address: Oregon, WI
Contact Person: Karen McCormick
Email: comfortandjoy2020@gmail.com
Comfort & Joy, Inc. is a not for profit organization that serves individuals with disabilities aged 12 and up in the Oregon, Stoughton, and Fitchburg communities. Comfort & Joy offers an enriching after school respite program tailored to individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) to offer opportunities for social interaction, relationship building, and community engagement. It is a unique respite program in that each week participants get to help plan and prepare group meals and practice social interaction and "soft" employment skills outside of the educational setting. Comfort & Joy allows youth with disabilities to thrive, free of cost to families, while allowing caregivers time to recharge.

These resources are community resources and are not necessarily endorsed by Walking and Wheeling LLC.

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Walking and Wheeling

We provide mobility assistive technology and expert medical services to children who need mobility assistance in the State of Wisconsin.


Office: (920) 968-7528

Billing: (920) 968-7532


Fax: 1-866-878-1996


W4652 Glenn St.
Appleton, WI 54913


By appointment only
Monday - Friday 8:30 - 4:30


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