Special Needs
Resources in Wisconsin

Plamore Park

Address: 495 W Division St, Fond du Lac, WI 54935

"The park and playground equipment, located at the corner of Division and Seymour Streets, was designed to be completely accessible for all people with varying abilities.

The park includes a baseball field, restrooms, playground, multi-purpose court, and small parking lot.

Miracle League baseball will be played on the custom-designed field that features a cushioned, rubberized, completely flat surface to prevent injuries and allow access to visually impaired, and those who use mobility devices. The playground equipment also sits on a flat base comprised of 12 inches of rubber pieces covered by a special rubberized surface.

The playground is a completely barrier-free; all-inclusive playground designed for children with physical, cognitive and sensory disabilities." - (description provided by fiz.com)

These resources are community resources and are not necessarily endorsed by Walking and Wheeling LLC.

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Walking and Wheeling

We provide mobility assistive technology and expert medical services to children who need mobility assistance in the State of Wisconsin.


Office: (920) 968-7528

Billing: (920) 968-7532


Fax: 1-866-878-1996


W4652 Glenn St.
Appleton, WI 54913


By appointment only
Monday - Friday 8:30 - 4:30


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